Look Out for These Sneaky Signs of Dehydration

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — groupjefferson @ 7:36 am
Man experiencing signs of dehydration

With April nearly over, the summer season is right around the corner. You and many others are likely eager for vacations, trips, and general fun in the sun. Amidst the excitement, though, don’t forget to stay hydrated. The summer heat is no laughing matter, and dehydration could ruin your healthy teeth and gums. Luckily, your local Jefferson dentist has ways to help. Here are three sneaky signs of dehydration, how fluid loss hurts oral health, and hydration tips for the season.

Sneaky Signs of Dehydration

Thirst is the most obvious sign of dehydration, but there are also subtler ones. Some of these include the following:

Muscle Spasms or Cramps

One reason for muscle cramps is dehydration. Along with electrolyte depletion, it can deprive your body of crucial sodium and potassium. Such minerals help balance pH levels in your body and control nervous system function.


In truth, cues for thirst and hunger both come from the hypothalamus – the brain region controlling these functions. It’s thus easy for your body to mistake signals that you’re thirsty for ones saying you’re hungry.  

Given these facts, note when you’re feeling hungry soon after eating. The real culprit could be thirst.


Staying hydrated lets you maintain energy throughout the day. After all, the process helps your body deliver critical nutrients to your cells. From there, your organs can carry out key duties. Unsurprisingly, then, lacking water for these functions can make you feel exhausted.

Effects of Dehydration on Oral Health

Dehydration hurts oral health by decreasing your saliva. The mouth liquid removes leftover food and harmful bacteria, so lacking it lets oral debris ferment and spread.

As expected, less saliva also means a higher chance of dry mouth. The latter condition can lead to bad breath, mouth sores, and mouth infections.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

To prevent dehydration’s nasty effects, use these tips in the future:

  • Eat Foods High in Water: Items with high water content, like fruits and veggies, can prevent dehydration. Some good examples are apples, watermelons, lettuce, and carrots.
  • Hydrate for Workouts: Try hydrating the day before vigorous exercise. Furthermore, keep a water bottle during workouts and other physical activities.
  • Drink to Thirst: In general, drink until you’re not thirsty. You could even have more, as you may be mildly dehydrated by the time you’re thirsty.

Don’t let the sneaky signs of dehydration interfere with your summer fun. Instead, remember them and the hydration tips above – your smile will thank you for it!

About the Practice

The Dental Group of Jefferson is based in Jefferson, OH. Led by Drs. Hammond and Pichler, our practice provides comprehensive dental care for all. To that end, we perform preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency smile procedures. You can even count on our excellent TMJ and periodontal therapies! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (440)-576-7040.

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