How Does School Lunch Impact Your Child’s Oral Health?

July 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — groupjefferson @ 4:49 pm
Row of sideways paper bags on a brown counter top against a black wall with one green and one red apple in front of them

With the return of back-to-school season comes a rush of things to do before the year begins. The last thing on your mind is what your child’s school has to offer on the menu. Whether they eat from the cafeteria or the lunch you’ve made, your child’s diet is important. Here’s how school lunch impacts your child’s oral health.

How Does Lunch Impact Oral Health?

When you send your child off to school, their health and safety are in the hands of others. You can’t monitor exactly what they’re eating in the cafeteria. They could trade lunches with someone else or share snacks with friends.

From lunchtime to when they go home from school, what your child has eaten for lunch has clung to their teeth. Let’s face it: it’s hard enough to get kids to brush their teeth at home, but to ask them to do it after eating at school? They’ll likely not clean their mouth for hours after lunch.

Any time your child eats sugary or starchy foods, a harmful acid that wears away at their enamel forms inside their mouth. This can lead to cavities, tooth decay, and other oral health issues. Making healthy choices at lunch is key to reducing their risk for dental trouble.

What to Pack for Your Child’s Lunch

There are plenty of healthy options to pack for lunch. Of course, sending your child off to school with a nutrient-dense meal is the best way to set them up for success. This could include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-fortified dairy products. It’s good to include a lot of diversity in your child’s school lunches so they don’t get tired of what they’re eating. They’ll find foods that benefit their oral health delicious. You should also pack them a bottle of water or a low-sugar beverage alternative.

Another helpful thing you could keep in their lunchbox is a travel-sized oral hygiene set so they can brush their teeth after eating. This could include a small toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss picks.

What NOT to Pack for Your Child’s Lunch

Some of these might be your child’s favorites, but avoiding them can actually protect their oral health. It’s okay to have them in moderation. However, it might be better to save those special treats for when you’re at home and they can rinse their mouths or brush their teeth after.

Here are some things you shouldn’t pack in your child’s lunch:

  • Juice
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Sandwiches Made with White Bread
  • Sticky Gummies
  • Potato Chips

Generally speaking, you shouldn’t pack anything that has too much sugar or starch. This is so the bacteria in their mouth don’t have anything to latch onto. It’s also best not to pack anything too hard or tough so they don’t damage their teeth.

Protecting your child’s oral health even when they’re away from home doesn’t have to be a struggle. Now that you know what foods are better for their smile, the school year will be a breeze!

About the Practice

At Dental Group of Jefferson, our dentists provide comprehensive dental services for patients of all ages. The smiles of our patients are our top priority! Our practice offers comfortable and affordable dental care with state-of-the-art equipment. If you want to know more about how to protect your child’s smile, contact Dental Group of Jefferson on our website or by phone at (440) 576-7040.

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