Something in the Air: Why Do My Dentures Smell Bad?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — groupjefferson @ 12:40 am

Dentures can be an excellent way to restore a smile and regain confidence after extensive tooth loss. While dentures are made out of durable materials that are immune to tooth decay, they still require proper care and maintenance to stay functional and aesthetically pleasing. Here’s why your dentures may not have been smelling wonderful lately and how you can keep them looking great and odor-free.

Why Do My Dentures Smell Funny?

While dentures are immune to tooth decay, they still have plenty of surface area that can host harmful bacterial colonies. The base of a denture is typically made of acrylic, a porous material that can provide shelter to bacteria while capturing the loose food debris that feeds them. The artificial teeth can also carry plaque and get food stuck between them. The human brain is programmed to have an aversion to the smell of decaying food and colonies of harmful bacteria, so if your dentures are hosting a microbial ecosystem, they probably won’t have a pleasant fragrance.

How Can I Keep My Dentures Clean and Odor-Free?

Luckily, proper care and maintenance of your dentures will keep them in great shape and free of smelly bacterial freeloaders. A few rules to follow include:

  • Rinse your dentures off after eating: After a meal or snack, remove your dentures and give them a quick rinse with running water to eliminate loose food particles.
  • Clean your mouth after removing your dentures: When you take your dentures out, rinse your mouth out to flush away food debris. If you’re removing your dentures for the night, treat yourself to a thorough round of oral hygiene.
  • Treat your dentures to daily brushings: Gently brush your dentures using a soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner. This will remove lots of food debris, plaque, and lingering denture adhesive from its grooves and surfaces.
  • Soak your dentures daily: The mouth needs eight hours away from your dentures every day to stay healthy. When you remove them, place them in water or an approved denture-cleaning solution. Most patients do this before going to bed.

Remember to always use lukewarm water for all these practices, as hot or cold water can cause dentures to warp, break, or lose their fit. With proper care, your dentures will give you a flashy and odor-free smile that you’ll love to show off.

About the Practice

Dental Group of Jefferson tends to the oral health needs of the community of Jefferson, OH. Led by Drs. Dennis Horvath, Jerry V. Patriarca, Nicholas Slezak, and Stephanie Pichler, the staff is dedicated to seeing each patient achieve magnificent results. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry in addition to denture services. For more information about proper denture hygiene, contact the office online or dial (440) 576-7040.

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